Wednesday, January 17, 2007

"It's Like, the Best Class EVER!"

If you've ever seen "Napoleon Dynamite," then you'd know how to say that.

I'm talking about my Biblical Faith and Economics class. We started with a devotion on John 15 - "Abide in me..." with references to normal guys who did extrordinary things when called by God - E. Stanley Jones, Hudson Taylor - and later even watched a video about Mother Teresa. Who think Mother Teresa was elevated to saint-status? I sure did. However, when I watched this video and thought about the possibility of changing lives with the gospel through development, I felt like we could have been friends. As Christians, we have specific callings on our lives. One vocation is not elevated above another - as long as love for the Lord and others is paramount, and an uncompromising committment to follow the Lord's leading.

I know I'm talking with incredible enthusiasm and have been accused more than once of naivete, however I have seen God's hand continually lead in my life and He has not made any mistakes! So as I sat in class today being introduced to development concepts and how to analyze data, I was very grateful. To hear these kinds of topics discussed in the same breath as the need for the gospel in our world because of the sin that plagues us - it exalts Christ greatly! I will report more later - until then, know that the gospel moves in the field of development and for that I praise Him and look forward to learning about it!

Here is my course description: "An examination of diverse methodologies, hermeneutics, and conclusions about the meaning of Biblical principles for economic life today. Special attention will be given to careful exegetical analysis of relevant Biblical material. Students will be expected to understand economic concepts relevant to developing countries, to apply these concepts to disparate development issues, and to evaluate alternative applications from the perspective of Christian ethics."

Here I go! :)

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