Monday, October 1, 2007

I'm about to leave...

I have a couple more things to put away in my carry-on. It's really surreal. I'll send out an email later with prayer requests.. but here are some thoughts:
- I pray for humility, to know these people well, to gain insight and vision into what is going on.
- I pray for humility also, to know that I can never measure the "work" I will do there
- I pray for the strength to be faithful in "the next thing," (as Elizabeth Elliot says) whether that is making dinner, entertaining, meeting students, children, townspeople, or co-workers.
- I pray for strength to make right decisions about when to rest, when to run hard, and when to wait
- I also pray for God to be made known. There is clearly no reason for me to go unless the Lord is hugely gloried. Like many things, I don't know how this will be accomplished, but through obedience, I'll follow Him to where He wants me to go
- Finally, it's not quite on my doorstep yet, but I need to make a decision about what to do after Christmas. There are several options floating around in my head that I ask God to make His peace clear about. I need wisdom.. and a great deal of John's attitude of: "I must become less, He must become greater". The more I enter this world of adulthood, the more I see how easy it is to get caught up in the game of "what I'M doing" and "how this will advance MY career". I need to toss that rubbish aside and run hard toward the GOAL.

Please Lord give me direction and peace. You LITERALLY walked the land I'm about to land on. And that blows my mind. Be with everyone I love.. and bring me back safely again if it be your will. Amen.

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