Saturday, June 6, 2009


I've had clear moments since I've been on staff with FOCUS where I sit back, think a bit, and wonder out loud - "How did I get here?" Voices and faces from my past are now in my midst, and these people continue to encourage and strengthen me. Many of them I never thought I'd see again. How did God lead me back into this mileu? Why is it particular encouraging to me?

First, FOCUS is familiar. I don't have to try to mold myself to an entirely different culture or language. I grew up in a prep school setting. This familiarity feels good after having strewn my heart around the world in the different places where God called me after college.

Secondly, many of the stereotypes and insecurities I wrestled with in high school are now being turned on their head. I talked recently with my brother about the issues of insecurity we suffered with in high school. We were never "cool," so at times, FOCUS seemed like this foreign yet familiar place, where "cool" kids heard about Jesus. However, now as I press further and further into these student's lives and fight with them back against the powers of darkness that cover so much of these schools, I more firmly believe how insecure we all are (and were) without Jesus at the center of our lives.

I remember when I first came on staff how insecure I felt because I didn't know all the current movies, music, or tv shows that were popular. In many ways, my high school insecurities cropped up as I started my new job. But as I really got to know the people I worked with and others I'd known since high school, I realized how utterly unfounded many of those insecurities and stereotypes were. Ultimately, Jesus seemed to have masterminded this entire job so that I could face and conquer these insecurities in ways that I never would have, had I not been on staff.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rebecca!! I was just checking on stats for my wordpress and saw your blogspot as a referrer-link-thingymabob.

:) I love that you have a blog and I love your blog in general :) eehee

I hope you're doing well and I miss you and Stella dearly :(
