Saturday, March 21, 2009

Conference Update #2

In the afternoon I attended Stanley Hauerwas' plenary session on the Powers and war. It was fascinating. I LOVED what he had to say about war and feel confirmed now to say more and more that I agree with the pacifist point of view (more on this to follow in a later entry). I'm seeing it all over the Bible now, clearly demonstrated - from the Sermon on the Mount, to real life examples, to understanding more and more Christ's ultimate sacrifice and its significance. It forever did away with our need to sacrifice ourselves for any need other than Christ (as martyrs do more often than we realize around the world today, but not much in the US or Canada).

Unfortunately I started to get a splitting headache after lunch, so I only briefly attended a breakout session on the Powers concerning food and sex.. however, I recieved a very interesting handout that I'm sure I and many of my co-staff workers in FOCUS will use when leading high schoolers (and college students) concerning eating disorders and sexual behavior.

The final plenary session talk was led by Marva Dawn. She's awesome. I'm currently reading a book by hers on the Sabbath and have learned so much about the benefits of taking a day off, and actually using it to serve God. I used to resent many of the legalistic influences I'd had concerning Sabbath in college and beyond, but her approach is so cloaked with grace and wisdom, I want to share her thoughts with the world - which, of course, God already did within the 10 Commandments :)

Finally, she also talked about how no one can actually define what the Powers are - the Bible doesn't even define them. HOWEVER, we are given clear guidance as to the manifestations of evil influnces in our world and how we are to fight against them. Most importantly, she dwelt on how Christ's sacrifice defeated those powers once and for all. Citing Colossions 1:20,21 (i think) reminded us of how ultimately, all things are answerable to the Lordship of Christ. They either submit or turn away.

While I was struck again by how many things in this world turn away from Him, I was filled with hope today, as I saw more clearly these Powers at work. I could reflect on their influence upon me in the West Bank (and South Africa), and more encouragingly, could see how these Powers are at work presently in the boarding schools I travel to week after week. That is the ministry I'm called to serve right now. While I resent so much of the culture these kids are trapped in, this conference reminded me to see all of this how Christ sees it. Creation is not totally depraved. All of us human beings were called to serve and love Him only, but we are all fallen, and now we are in a state, as we await His return, of calling our world back to its original vocation - that of loving the Lord with all our might, and loving others as ourselves.

(In the words of Coldplay (and ultimately Jesus), quoted on the back our conference guidebook)
You belong to me,
Not swallowed in the sea.

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