Saturday, March 1, 2008

A New Month

Since my last posting, many things have transpired: I moved back into the apartment where I was living this fall, next Tuesday I will begin one-on-one Arabic lessons with a proffessor from Brizeit University, I rejected a marriage proposal from a Palestinian family (you can ask me about that one over email), and I have a clearer job description. Overall, things are better. I am grateful for the prayers of multiple people and the Presence of the Lord to encourage and sustain me. Particularly encouraging to me were the words of Christ in the Garden of Gethsemene to His disciples in Matthew 26:41, "Watch and pray that you do not fall into temptation; for the spirit is willing, but the body is weak."

As for my job description, it includes but is not limited to the following: 1) developing programs for the evenings at the Living Stones Center (this includes movie nights, stress mangagment lectures, cultural education evenings, and english classes) 2) Teaching English in the after-school programs to middle-school kids at four schools in neighboring villages where the Living Stones Center already teaches Servant Leadership courses to the same middle school students. The Palestinian Authority Education Minister was impressed with the results of these programs on the students this previous fall. 3) Writing a proposal for the next phase of the Living Stones Student Center. 4) Womens' ministry - as the only female "staff/volunteer" for the university students, I am responsible, kind of like I was with Campus Outreach in South Africa, to recruit female students to events at the center, and also love and minister to them.

My daily schedule has been rather haphazard - as it can include anything from meeting with the Chilean ambassador with one of my directors to set up a time to present the country to students at the Living Stones Center, to hanging out at the university with random students, to spending time at the center during the day talking to my director Ahmed about various subjects related to the center.

One final note: I went with Ahmad a few days ago to Ramallah to purchase a new coffee machine for the center - with the purpose of income generation. Here are some pictures on its inaugural night!

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