Sunday, September 19, 2010


I'm finally here. I moved about a week and a half ago to an apartment in Capitol Hill that I almost cried over when I entered the threshold. It's awesome. We have 3, yup 3 porches, and the third is a huge one right outside my bedroom. I feel secure and stable here in a way I didn't in New Haven. Perhaps it was because I thought I might move out after a year because of the conditions, but I'm glad I stuck it out :)

D.C. is wonderful. Every day brings me new things to be excited about - whether it's new, secret, tucked-away parks, driving through Rock Creek Park, or seeing the hustle and bustle of Columbia Heights; I still can't get over the excitement of living here. I can walk/run to the Capitol building from my house - and once I get a little more in shape, I'm going to venture down to the Potomac and jog along the river.

My roommates are fantastic. Eden is a nurse practitioner, who's family has had a long history of FOCUS involvement in the GWA (Greater Washington Area). She was in a small group, my first year in New Haven, with my two other co-workers while she was at nursing school. Monica, my other roommate, I have adored since I had her in my freshman bible study (as a sophomore) which I led during my senior year at Davidson. We share similar experiences from our study abroad semesters in Ecuador; as well as many college friends in the area. She is also a nurse practitioner who knew Eden while at nursing school.

My church is awesome. Eden told me about it last year and it sounded like the vibrant, Spirit-seeking church I was attending in New Haven - plus the background in Anglican tradition I love, sound teaching, and a lot of young people! The crazy thing is that my freshman and sophomore year roommate in college, and a friend from my growing up years in Philly also attend the church!

And FOCUS was officially "kicked off" today with a lovely picnic at Fletcher's Cove this afternoon. I was overwhelmed by the support and interest that students, parents, and volunteers showed. We are going to have a fabulous year! I drove 4 students from Episcopal High School (a boarding/day school in Alexandria, VA) to the event, and we're trying to start a meeting there soon. The school is as yet unwelcome to FOCUS meetings on campus.

Of course, I'm intimidated by the year ahead. This is much more student contact than I've ever had before, and I'm going to have to plan my time well to make meetings on time around D.C. traffic patterns. But I feel sent here.

Last week at church, the pastor preached on Paul's time in Corinth. He said how it's no accident that we are in D.C. Whether we're here for an internship or a job, God has CALLED us to this city for a specific reason, for as long as He has appointed us here. I feel God's hand on me here - from picking my roommates and apartment; to garnering the support, enthusiasm, and contacts to begin ministry here. I am extremely thankful.

I pray for myself to be as dependent on God equally in the hard and easy times. And I just pray I can be faithful and find joy during my time here.

1 comment:

Mary said...

So excited you're there! And that I WILL see you this fall at some point! I'll keep you posted!